Find below step by step how to get an overview on all IA's and all DA's and the published texts based on the OCR

Front page of an Official Journal of the EUropean Union

Front page of an Official Journal of the EUropean Union

A list of all implementing acts (IA’s) and delegated acts (DA’s) of the OCR
(EU Regulation 2017-625) can be found as follows via Eurlex. Each text links to its publication in the Official Journal.

Open with
Choose a language.

Request for the OCR text by filling in for the year 2017, for the number 625 and 

indicate it is a regulation.

For clarification, see picture below.


Click on the document

Click on Document information at the left hand top site of the page

Scroll down in the middle column to the heading 'Relationship between documents'

Below this heading you will find 2 lines :

- Select all Implementing acts based on this document

- Select all Delegated acts based on this document

Both lines are linked to a sum up of these type of texts and each text can be linked to its publication on Eurlex.

Example of the heading of the list with published IA's

Example of the heading of the list with published IA's

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